Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Sweet Haylin Belle....

Haylin was born Oct 27, 2010 @ 9:37pm. She defiantly made me work. I was actually admitted in to the lethbridge hospital that Monday because of my health, i had high blood pressure and was very swollen so the doctor put me on bed rest at the hospital. Tuesday, the doctor decided to use a gel to try and make things happen. I got contractions for about 6-7 hours and then they stopped during the night. So the doctor told me to get some rest because i was going to have a big day on Wednesday...I was having a baby whether i liked it or not. Doctor came around 6am in the morning and checked if i was dilated enough to break my water, and sure enough I had dilated 3cm so he broke my water.

The nerves started to kick in, and i was shaking and couldn't stop.

After he broke my water, he said that if i wasn't contracting by 8am then he was going to start me on the drip. I was having a few contractions here and there but nothing major so that's when all the fun began. I feel bad for anyone that has to be induced, just from my experience and what the nurses were telling me, being induce sucks! Being forced into labor can really put a toll on your body because your naturally not ready for this baby to come.

I was doing really well until up to 6cm, the only thing that sucked was that I had to labor in bed...oh ya fun stuff...the doctor didn't want me walking around because of how high my bp was. So ya i had to lay in bed which was the worst thing possible. Finally by 5-6cm I didn't care what the doctor said I was standing up, and oh my goodness what a difference. I could actually breath.

Soon after they sent me to the labor room. By that time I had only tried morphine for pain. That did nothing....all it did was make you fall asleep between contractions. So thats when they asked me if i wanted a epidural, i was hesitant at first because i really wanted to do it natural, But it took me a matter of 3 seconds to change my mind. And what a blessing that was!!! Having a epidural was heaven....for the time that it lasted. It worked for maybe 4 hours and then I could feel full on contractions on one side. Not a fun feeling. Nope. There was a button that I was allowed to push every 15mins to give me another shot of the medicine, but it was jammed, nothing was slowly things started to wear off.

But before I knew it, it was time to push! I pushed for 2 hours to finally meet my baby girl! I cant say it was a wonderful and amazing experience because it wasn't for me. But to be able to hold Haylin for the first time was a blessing! I love her and I love my Husband! And now i have a family of my own.

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