Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Count Down....

So my due date is Nov 13th, 2010....
I can't believe that its getting so close, I do have a feeling though that I'm going to be induced a little early. My BP keeps on going up and down and the doctor doesn't like that. So I've been doing alot of running around, going to appointments to the clinic and also to the hospital to get NST's (Non-Stress Tests) done for the baby. Its been going good. Baby is not at all stressed, she likes to move around lots.
And today I get yet another ultrasound...Dr. said that this ultrasound will determine whats going to happen in the next couple weeks...eeeek!
Any whooo....part of the reason I blogged today was because I wanted to here as much helpful ideas that i could use while I'm in labor. I plan on doing all natural, plus I'm having the baby in Taber so they don't have all the good meds like lethbridge has.
So, please if you have any helpful ideas that i could use that helped you ladies out during labor then I'm all ears. :)


  1. Sorry, I'm not at all helpful in this department. If you need a c-sections (which isn't that bad)...I'll give you all the advice you need :)

  2. So after 10 hours i caved and got an epidural, which was fabulous for me so it has made me very PRO epidural. but if you can do it without your my hero! i got induced and thankfully the gel and breaking my water was all i needed but if you are getting induced bring something to do cause it can take awhile for things to work. bring snacks, for Daynes sake! You may not feel like eating but if its a long labour daynes gonna need food to help him keep you motivated. whatever you want in your "birth plan" stick to but you also have to be flexible and know that sometimes things aren't gonna go perfectly. that was my favourite piece of advice i received.

  3. 17 hours later aaaaaand epidural! Best decision I ever made, but by all means give natural a go!! Just be open to everything! All our plans went out the window when those contractions start getting bad! You will be on my hero list if you make it without one!!!!!(and you'll be on it if you do get one because giving birth is hard work!!) Good luck!!!! It's so worth it!!

  4. this is Ryan, I am yet to experience labor pains but watching RoxAnn do it "Au Natural" was pretty tough, I think the whole epidural thing is the way to go....RoxAnn kind of caved and asked to meds but she was too far along for them to drug her up.

  5. RoxAnn just told me to tell you contractions hurt like a mother........ and remember to breath and trust the doctors and nurses.
