Thursday, June 24, 2010

~ Gut Feeling ~

I know everyone says, theres really know way of knowing what sex your baby is going to be...but...i'm pretty sure i know i'm having a girl!
I'm not trying to be sexist and just say i want a girl because i am one, but because of the fact of how i feel and and my gut instinct.
I've talked to plenty of other pregnant women who have had the same symptoms as me....
* Nasty zits all over your face and neck
*Gain more wait then usual ( and i really do try and eat healthy)
*You feel ugly
*Hair falls out

This is why i think im having a girl. :)
P.S - girls are fun to dress!


  1. Girls are awesome. Growing up, I always thought that I wanted ALL boys. But, I'm so glad we have our 2 little girlies....They are so much fun. I think you are having a girl too. When I was pregnant with Mags, I knew she was a girl. I would have been SHOCKED if they told me it was a boy. I wasn't so sure about Chloe, but I'm so glad to have the 2 girls.
    You guys will be great parents!

  2. When do you find out what your having? We've been told were having a boy and secretly I'm still hoping there wrong and its a girl :) Isn't that terrible! I guess we will find out in a week or so!

  3. Our ultrasound is this coming monday! So next week will find out! I'm so excited so find out!
